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Overseas Domestic Helper to HK : Filipino HK$13,998 ; Indonesian HK$14,398

Overseas Domestic Helpers

Baby sitting, Taking care of aged, Housekeeping

Applicants are at your finger tips. We upload all applicants’ bio-data to the company website and update from time to time. With our support, you may just sit at home to find your domestic helper. All you need is to tell us the file no. of the applicant and we will do for you all documentation work needed. Effectiveness on use of more technology enables us to offer employers a very low agency fee.

  1. Starting from Nov 8, 2011, employers who hire Filipinos to work overseas are required to take out a Philippines Compulsory Insurance, premium HK$1,200.  
  2. Upon arrival, follow up fully on Covid 19 Testings
  3. Contract fee
  4. Visa fee
  5. Home management course in Philippines / Indonesia
  6. Two medical check-ups in Philippines / One medical check-up in Indonesia
  7. One medical check-up in H.K. (For first helper only)
  8. Free pick-up service upon arrival
  9. Free assistance in application for H.K. I.D. card
  10. A cook book which is in English and Chinese (For first helper only)
  11. A babycare handbook in English # (For first helper only)
  12. An employer handbook (For first helper only)
  13. Free monitor on domestic helpers performance during contract years
# Package will not include a baby care handbook.


Direct Hire / Name Hire: HK$10,698, (Filipino - Have Hong Kong Working Experience), HK$11,698 (Filipino - Without Hong Kong Working Experience) ; Direct Hire (Indonesia) : HK$12,998

Direct Hire service fees are:

  • Visa Fee
  • Contract Authentication Fee
  • Upon arrival, follow up fully on Covid 19 Testings
  • One medical check-up in HK#(Plan A)
  • Philippines compulsory OFW Insurance Fee, 2-year premium HK$1,200

An additional charge on application that employers who live in Hong Kong Public House requiring to apply for a temporary resident permit HK$100

#This check-up includes Chest X-ray, Hepatitis B, AIDS, VDRL, Stool Examination and Pregnancy Test.

Contract Renewal: HK$2,688 (Filipino); Contract Transfer: HK$3,388 (Filipino)

Package for Contract Renewal:HK$2,688☆

  • Fees include visa fee, consulate fee, OWWA fee and one standard medical check-up*

Package for Contract Transfer (For Finished-Contract Maid Only):HK$3,388☆

  • Fees include document processing, visa fee, consulate fee, OWWA fee and one standard medical check-up*

# If the previous employer can’t continue with the contract because of death, migration or financial reasons, an additional fee of HK$1000 is required.

* This check-up includes Chest X-ray, Hepatitis B, AIDS, VDRL, Stool Examination and Pregnancy Test

On-site service ※ The company will charge a surcharge from HK$300

Break Contract (Previous Employer Pass Away, Emmigration, Financial Problems): HK$3,688 (Filipino); Break Contract (Other reasons for Change to New Employer): HK$4,698 (Filipino)

Package for Break Contract (Previous Employer Pass Away, Emmigration, Financial Problems): HK$3,688☆

  • Fees include visa fee, consulate fee, OWWA fee and one standard medical check-up*

Package for Break Contract (Other reasons for Change to New Employer):HK$4,698☆

  • Fees include document processing, visa fee, consulate fee, OWWA fee and one standard medical check-up*

* This check-up includes Chest X-ray, Hepatitis B, AIDS, VDRL, Stool Examination and Pregnancy Test

On-site service ※ The company will charge a surcharge from HK$300

Contract Renewal: HK$2,668 (Indonesian); Contract Transfer: HK$3,688 (Indonesian)

Package for Contract Renewal:HK$2,988

  • Fees include visa fee, consulate fee & medical check-up*.

Package for Contract Transfer (For Finished-Contract Maid Only):HK$3,688

  • Fees include documentation, visa fee, consulate fee & medical check-up*.
  • # If the previous employer can’t continue with the contract because of death, migration or financial reasons, an additional fee of HK$1000 is required.

*This check-up (HK$680)  includes Chest X-ray, Hepatitis B, AIDS, VDRL, Stool Examination and Pregnancy Test
#If the employer needs to help the domestic helper to apply for Hong Kong Public House permit, the handling fee is subject to an additional HK$100.
On-site service ※ We will charge a surcharge from HK$200

Break Contract (Previous Employer Pass Away, Emmigration, Financial Problems): HK$3,988 (Indonesian); Break Contract (Other reasons for Change to New Employer): HK$4,998 (Indonesian)

Package for Break Contract (Previous Employer Pass Away, Emmigration, Financial Problems):HK$3,988

  • Fees include visa fee, consulate fee & medical check-up*.

Package for Break Contract (Other reasons for Change to New Employer):HK$4,998

  • Fees include documentation, visa fee, consulate fee & medical check-up*.

*This check-up (HK$680)  includes Chest X-ray, Hepatitis B, AIDS, VDRL, Stool Examination and Pregnancy Test
#If the employer needs to help the domestic helper to apply for Hong Kong Public House permit, the handling fee is subject to an additional HK$100.
On-site service ※ We will charge a surcharge from HK$200

Helpers in HK: HK$5,388 (Filipino Domestic Helper); HK$5,788 (Indonesian Domestic Helper)

Filipino Domestic Helper: HK$5,388

  • This fee covers our services on screen applicants, sending applicant to your place for interview, the expenses for visa fee, consulate fee, medical check-up fee, and Filipino Maid’s OWWA membership fee.
  • ☆ Air Ticket, Philippines Compulsory Insurance are not included

Indonesian Domestic Helper: HK$5,788

  • This fee covers our services on screen applicants, sending applicant to your place for interview, the expenses for visa fee, consulate fee and medical check-up fee.
  • ☆ Air Ticket is not included

Extend Domestic Helper Passport Visa to stay in Hong Kong: HK$786

If you cannot leave the country due to the epidemic, you can extend your visa to the end of the contract

Service fee HK$786 covers taking and deliver the documents to the employer, and submit the request service to Hong Kong Immigration Department.

Termination of Contract: HK$2,188

Any locations near MTR stations (except lines of Tung Chung, West Rail & Light Rail)
Service fee covers witness service, receipts & letters for termination, consulting advice of Hong Kong Employment Ordinance for domestic helpers. You may download all these documents from our webpage of Labour Guide.

The above service fee only includes the completed process within the first 2 hours. If the time exceeds 2 hours, an additional HK$300 will be charged per hour, and less than 1 hour will be counted as 1 hour, and the maximum 4 hours will be charged up to additional HK$1200.。

Helper Insurance Comprehensive Package: HK$1,080 (2 years at $1,350)

QBE Helper Insurance
QBE  Comprehensive Package    Employees’ Compensation & Personal Accident 
2-year Premium  $1,080  $810
One Year Premium  $650  $450
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