6544 4600 / 6769 7837 igoodlink@igoodlink.com

2022 Domestic Helpers Health Check Up Plan

  • No booking needed, just bring the voucher and HKID or passport to the medical centre anytime within one month
  • Pregnancy test with blood is much more accurate than cheaper urine tes
  • Quick report after only 2-3 working days (Plan A)
  • Take the body check within 1 month after voucher issues

HK$680 Domestic Helper Health Check Plan A

  • Loctaion: Jordan
  • No need of booking from Monday to Saturday within Office Hours to visit the centre directly with the prepaid voucher
  • The voucher should be paid at least one working day before the helper visits the centre
  • Voucher is valid only within one month after issued date
  • Report could be provided within 2-3 working days after health check via Whatsapp. For example, health check on Saturday and report is available on next Tuesday
  • If any delay of Stool sample or Urine sample collection, the health check report will be also deferred in late.
  • This plan is not applicable to employers renewing their own Indonesian domestic helpers


Helper Health Check Up Plan $680 
 6 Tests   Plan A
 Chest X -Ray X
 Pregnancy Test (Blood b-hcg) X
 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen X
 Stool Examination X
 Voucher Fee (HK$) $680


Self Optional Items

  • Fasting glucose $85
  • Lipid Check $400, (Total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol, Triglycerides)
  • Complete blood picture $140, (CBP ~ Test for anemia, leukocytosis, blood cancer, inflammation and other blood diseases)
  • Urine routine $90, (URT ~ Diabetes, nephropathy, bladder and urethritis)
  • Gonorrhoea, HSV, Chlamydia $1300
  • Anti-HCV $360


⚠️No urine test is required (unless a urine test is added), and there is no effect during the menstrual period

⚠️Health Check only valid within 1 month after voucher issued date. If overdue, a new purchase is needed

If purchase, please provide the information of

  • Helper Full Name:
  • Helper HK ID Card No. / Passport No.:

Payment Method:

  • FPS Faster Payment System To FPS ID: 160 465 746 OR HSBC Account No. : 121-895312-838(Can find at PayMe/MOX bank app using FPS payment)
  • ATM/Bank Transfer to HSBC121-895312-838 ,Account Name:Good Link Consultants Limited
Good Link Consultants
Good Link Consultants

1. Please send us the following information by WhatsApp 6544 4600 / 6769 7837 or igoodlink@igoodlink.com:

  • Helper’s Full English Name
  • Helper’s HKID or passport number
  • Any optional items
  • Hard copy of reports (collect by client): Yes/No

2. We shall respond within 1 working day. Please pay the full amount by FPS/Bank transfer(by ATM or online banking) to the following account:
a) Faster Payment System (FPS): FPS ID: 160 465 746 (Good Link Consultants Limited)

b) HSBC: 121-895312-838 , bank account name: GOOD LINK CONSULTANTS LIMITED
3. Please send us the payment proof. We will email you the voucher after one working day.

4. Please the maid should brings with her HKID or passport.

5. After the check-up, we will whatsapp / email you the soft copy of the report within 3 working days (Plan A) .

6. If you need a hard copy of the report (including the x-ray film),
Notify us when booking and and collect at the medical centre in person (all reports will be disposed after one month)
⚠️There is no urine test in the standard plans so mensuration won’t affect the tests
⚠️If there’s any amendment or cancellation within the period of validity including name or date, a handling fee of HK$100 will be charged
⚠️The voucher is valid within one month after the date of issue. If it is expired, please purchase a new voucher.

How to purchase?

1. Send us your detail by WhatsApp 6544 4600 / 6769 7837 or email: igoodlink@igoodlink.com

2. Pay the full amount by FPS/bank transfer

3. You shall receive the voucher by e-mail after 1 working day

Is there a hard copy of the report?

We only issue soft copies of written reports (text only), if you need the hard copies including the X-ray film,
Notify us when booking and collect the report at the medical centre in person
Please note that all reports will be disposed 1 month after the check-up.

Can I pay at the medical centre?

Unfortunately no. If you pay at the medical centre, there is no discount for the check-up and you will have to pay the regular price.

Is the voucher transferrable to another person?

Once the voucher is issued, we would charge HK$100 for all amendments including name, valid date, HKID etc. and cancellation for $150 charges.

Is it OK if I don’t print out the voucher?

Client must present a print-out of the voucher to the medical centre. If you choose not to print out the voucher, please pay HK$40 admin fee when booking.

Must my helper leave her stool sample on the date?

Your helper will receive a small bottle for her stool sample. She can return the bottle the next day. Report issue date will delay accordingly.

Is there a more comprehensive body check plan?

Please refer to the add-on items.

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